I’m trying my best to do things differently now.
I’ve done a lot of healing, growing and learning along the way.
It’s taken so long to get to this place.
The hardest part and I suppose what I’m currently trying to master are the triggers from past experiences.
I know they’re coming, especially after a period of bliss.
After the feeling that everything is finally falling into place has filled my heart and mind and my vibration is high.
I can feel it begin to descend, so I should expect their arrival, yet the triggers still make their way inside.
I must say, I have gotten better at dealing with them.
I ask myself, “What’s the reality of this?” and I can usually identify the truth vs. an old wound that’s bleeding again.
So I meditate, ground and cleanse.
It helps to stop the bleeding and refocus my mind.
It also reminds me that what’s meant for me will alway come to me in time.