I was a published author, but my publishing house refused to pay me any of my earned money and tricked me in many ways, which really discouraged me from writing. I recently acquired the rights to my book back and I'm hoping to re-publish it sometime in the future. I started an Instagram page for my writings (feel free to check it out if you're interested ( and I'm trying to be hopeful about the future. In the spirit of hope, I wanted to create this challenge. Send me anything about hope: a short story, a poem, a quote (must be yours), or a sentence, anything at all. I can't wait to read your work and be inspired! The person with the words that touch me the most wins.
Sending Hope Vibes
Hi Tima,
I am so sorry that the publishing house you worked with before mistreated you and did not give you what was rightfully yours. I commend you for the hope you are displaying by writing again, and reaching out to others to build a solid network of support. I am excited that you got the rights back to your work, and I have hope that it will be published in a place where you and your art will be treated with respect and kindness. I am rooting for your success, and I will be sure to follow you here as well. Only the best to you and your future endeavors, whether they are writing or anything else as well!