I hate this!!
this is not a real question.
i thought of this, read other posts.
and i get only angrier every moment.
this is terrible.
you are blind if you don't see:
you want an answer.
you want some heroic statement,
you want some romantic scene.
will die for? will myself to die for?
i don’t know.
the life i have i give to my daughter,
but it is living for,
and not dying for,
that matter.
there are no evil wizards,
the wolves are not waiting.
if i had to, i would face them ,
if i could.
but the question that is much,
Much morr important,
is if in life, am i doing for her,
am i a good father?
do i let my wraknesses,
does she feel love?
will she grow well,
healthy , happy,
intelligent and resourceful?
will i teach her the right things?
should i even teach her,
absurd romantic notions,
like princes, dashing with their lance,
to slay dragons?
does she really need,
that Freudian , self-destruction crap?
better teach her,
about telling good from bad,
lie from truth,
edible from inedible.
i make no plans, therefore for tigers,
and do not wish an arsenal,
of reeking,
oily hole-punching mechanisms.
we have a tool box,
we have play-dough,
we have legos,
we have a piano,
we have books,
and food and a blanket.
that is what i want to think about.