april 22, DO NOT TOUCH and BROKEN
almost end to end to end to end
with quiet whispers of things to come
and things to close, behind
wooden doors with scratches on the frames
and behind yellowing curtains of
words words words, hanging in neat rows from
the tops of ceilings spun with worth and painted with
crashing waves upon your skull
it is heavy, a heavy heavy heavy weight
upon your shoulders of a question of
'is it pride of heart or not'
'wanting to let these people down?'
it is a heavy, a heavy heavy heavy weight
in your stomach at the thought of saying
i am not yet enough to say these things to you
it is a heavy, a heavy heavy heavy weight
in your throat of a burning fire aching its way up and down your
spine, your cracked and broken spine of things you
don't want to say, for reasons you felt so strongly for
it is a vehement 'no' at the thought of giving up
and the thought of throwing in the towel,
to say that you have limits--it is not healthy,
you hear, to ignore the limits you have--but it
feels so much like betrayal to say you've had enough,
that you can do no more
and so you are stuck in a circle, a spinning winding shape of
cracking broken spines twisting their ways up
your throat and through your mouth until you
spit the bones out, one, one, one at a time
like a dispensing machine gone wrong, with cogs
whirring idly in your ribcage and no coins going in or out,
but you have no idea how to fix a machine like this,
a machine so broken that its very secrets are doled out freely and without
care to the world beyond, such a cruel, cruel, cruel people of a world beyond
and you are gone gone gone to be repaired, with
signs of DO NOT TOUCH and BROKEN plastered on your sides,
written up and down in long huge letters you can't seem
to wash away or ignore, no matter
how hard you seem to try,
and so you sit
you sit
you sit
you sit, alone and think
you sit, alone and thinking and wonder what
the answer is to the question:
'is it pride of heart or is it not'
' wanting to let these people down?'
and you wonder if that is even the question you should be