Whoa, Man ~
What do young womxn face today?
[ I'll keep going till I get tired of remembering things people have said ]
Oh, well look atch'yoo!
Are you sure you can lift that?
You're hair's so pretty, can I touch it?
Give me a piece of that.
Hey baby, why so shy? Let us see you spin around.
There's a good girl.
Don't break a nail.
Hey bitch.
Show a little skin.
Look'n a little heavy, aren't ya hun?
Don't you want children?
To have a child so young...
Cover yourself up.
Eve ate the fruit first, you know.
Let the men talk.
Men can't control themselves.
Hold your keys between your fingers like this.
Cross the street.
Don't yell HELP. Yell FIRE!
Statistically speaking it's way more likely someone will come
Why so shy?
What a sweet flower
Why so loud?
What a firecracker
You knows how to be one of the guys
You knows all the guys
Well ain't you a sight for sore eyes...
You wore makeup today!
You... wore... makeup today...
Do you want to go get your brows threaded?
Wax and they stay smooth longer
Yuck. When's the last time you shaved?
You sure he was harassing you?
Lighten up darlin.
That time of the month?
Aren't we being a little dramatic?
You haven't got it so bad!
Look at you.
Just look at you.
My dear, why so downcast?
[ Yep, and I've had enough for one day ]