What If I Ever Said That There Were Two Of Me?
Now, this might easily pass as the longest title I have ever given to a post! Congratulations, me, ^-^. Alright, back to the topic on hand. The question is, undoubtedly, wrong since it's impossible on so many levels. Let it be biological, physical, chemical, but maybe not philosophical. Let's not think about it right now (: But what I am about to say, or more like, announce, is quite similar to the question.
But first, let me assure you all that the answer is a definite no. I mean, that would be terrifying, even for me, XD.
So, I haven't told many persons about my recently discovered love for writing, and very few of them believe that I can write anything at all. *silence* I don't assume that they think I can write at all. I mean, the basics- alphabets, constructing sentences, XD. But out of that little bunch, one even went on to ask me, "So, how do I get in?" In all my years of sneaking into libraries and reading big novels, not one among my friends was really into this stuff other than me. So, this was a big moment!
*dramatic, melodious music enters*
Let me welcome one of my oldest friends, a very close one, my partner, in certain activities, who don't necessarily abide by the rules- Amal (@Amal_Z), a.k.a, James Buchanan Barnes. Don't be alarmed! It's a childhood MCU thing. You might be surprised to know that I am Steve Rogers XD It's our little fandom. You might be even more surprised to realise that we have the entire Avengers assembled. Almost, ^-^. We have Tony, Pepper, Scott (the Lang one), Hope, Bruce, Carol, Vision, Wanda, Peter (the Parker one), T'Challa, and so the list goes!
And when I say we are similar, we, indeed, are on certain levels. We believe in many common causes; we have so many mutual friends; we already have some plans for the future along with the earlier 'Avengers', if you may, ^-^.
But yes, we are different on so many levels too. I talk a lot more (which is already pretty evident ^-^), I am more of the safety guy, and I have another brilliant example right now. So, he had been up here for a week, and he has eleven posts. And I had been up here for almost a year, and I have 38 posts! And on his current 'strike rate', it might take him three weeks (or let's say a month, just for personal satisfaction ^-^) to have more posts than me. And I have to add the point that out of that 38 I have, one-third of them are (more than one-third of them are) hi's and bye's and me and my brain having silly arguments, XD.
Alright, I rarely come to the point. So, Amal is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life. And when I say this, it might be the first time he will ever hear this too. (See this too). I mean, I rarely compliment others out of this platform. I am more of a 'teasing' friend out there. In a fun way, of course, ^0^. The ones in which the 'teased' will chase me over a mile and beat me all over. All while we are all laughing, of course, ^0^. I mean, otherwise, I wouldn't be alive to say all this, XD.
So, please accompany me when I heartily welcome this good old friend to my newfound family ^-^ Let's make him feel at home. Buddy, welcome to Prose.
PS: No, I am not saying any of these when we meet for real. No. I am not used to complimenting people while being with them, face to face, XD. And this, strictly, stays between us. If one of them knows, they might all finally find something to tease me for the rest of my life XD. I am not breaking my perfect track record ^0^.