The Last Sunrise
The cold steel penetrates my armor, my skin, and my flesh.
I fall to the ground… finally.
Tranquility engulfs me and I can finally rest.
And in that tranquility, I remember her…
I watched her as the ship slowly sailed away from the port.
She stood there in her white dress and watched me as I went off to war.
Tears were spilled on that beautiful day: so many you could’ve drowned in them.
Thousands of our loved ones cried in symphony as we sailed away toward an uncertain future.
She was amongst them: standing out in the crowd.
She seemed like an angel… my angel.
Her last words to me were full of kindness and compassion, love and admiration. – “My love…” – she started. – “…return to me safely. I know you are afraid, and so am I. The thought of you going over there… Just know that I love you… now and forever.”
My last words to her were a lie. – “Don’t you worry, my only love. I’ll return to you even if I have to swim across that sea. I promise. I love you and only you… now and forever.”
I think of those words now as I lie on this field of sorrow and observe the rising sun… my last sunrise.
I won’t return to her, and she waits for me across the sea.
She waits for me to return and hug her, kiss her, whisper into her ear words of comfort…
I won’t be able to do any of that.
And I promised her that I would return…
This story is written in cripto-form: an invention of my own.
It is meant to make reading easier and more appealing to the eyes because each sentence is written in a separate line: except for the dialogue, of course.
The main reason I invented this is that many people don’t read nowadays, which is a shame.
They don’t have the time or they simply lack the will to read.
Also, when they see the words all crowded together, they immediately stop reading.
Let’s not mention how many people hate when something is over-described.
Most people just want to read simple stories and nothing else.
Well, whether you’ll like cripto-form of writing or not, I hope you’ll enjoy the stories.