Challenge Ended
Dark poetry
Give me poems that rhyme. Tag me in the comment section so that I can read your work.
Ended May 31, 2021 • 11 Entries • Created by Sanjana_S
You once promised me for eternity
Silent, troubled
soulless, bleak
A second, an instant
The shadows
You once promised me an eternity
You once promised me your infinity
It has promised,
Our blood red smile
You who speak from the shadows
You who hide in my mind
I sit blind,
but not deaf
I listen,
for you
glissining in the shadows
You once promised me infinity
but there is only confusion
for you in my mind
gone with the wind
but stay with goodnight
I would have loved you forever
I shared with you my soul
was there no truth?
There wasn't
A wish unfilled
I couldn't believe
there was only darkness in those shadows
and our soul is no more
I'll peel back those troubles,
I shall heal
You, my sickness,
rest in piece,
the shadows of my mind