Everything is connected. Everything is one entity, parts of one singular whole, run through with the same essence, the same energies. We are all the Universe, and the Universe is all of us. I am you, you are me, everyone is everyone; but we live under the illusion of separation most of the time. It's incredibly powerful to find those moments where you can connect on a deeper level and know you're not alone, you're not separate, you're just a fragment of the everything.
We don't know what is real. We don't know reality, we don't know the truth, we can't prove anything. We don't know who is right, who is wrong, if such things as right and wrong even exist. So we all just have to go along doing our best. And if someone else believes in something different than I do, who am I to say who's right?
We're all here for a reason, manifesting different aspects of the Universe, living our own unique lives as parts of the whole. Maybe the whole purpose is that we each get to see the world from a different perspective.