kinds of thoughts
i’m a golden hour girl, a lover of sour gummies that get stuck in my teeth, a mint eater, a sun bather, a walks-over-runs kind of soul.
i’m a loud cryer, a self-righteous fighter, an agonized writer, an insecure flighty-fidgety-burnt-out-people-pleaser kind of person.
i like sunsets, hot sand, hands-out-of-the-sun-roof radio chants, bedroom slow dances, barefoot dreaming kind of days.
i like being alone with the wind, talking to my very few friends, pretending to be careless and then going home to fix it all up for the next kind of days.
give me a warm greetings, artificial icy sweetness, learning-how-to-drive-with-my-dad mornings, butterflies in my stomach, inchworms on my wrists kind of summer.
leave me harsh goodbyes, poetry that doesn’t rhyme, painted sure-we’ll-hang-out-this-week lies, misuses of the word “vibe,” flimsy mistreatment of valuable lives this summer.