God of middle earth (6/n)
Dundro’s mind was suitably preoccupied all the way back to Hobbiton. The strange article he found returned to his mind even when he wasn’t looking or holding it. The object he found wasn’t consuming him like the Rings of Power though, it was in fact Dundro’s overpowering curiosity that compelled him to investigate and look into this object.
It appeared to be a phial of some sort. The stopper of the phial was stuck fast and no amount of force exerted by Dundro could uncover it. Filled in it was a curious clear liquid that pulsed polychromatically. The liquid glowed dimly and appeared to have an aura of azure. When Dundro put his ear up against it, he could have sworn hearing a choir of Elven angels.
Thus he admired it, making the now relatively short journey back home undisturbed by no Warg nor Orc, though the only hindrance was Dundro’s ever-growing hunger.
And thus he completed his journey. No sooner than he had ascended the main mule-way into Hobbiton, he was crowded upon by a band of Hobbits, some of which were his friends but most of them were the rest of Dundro’s Hobbit-mates who had turned up to investigate the apparent disappearance of one of their kin (which remember, was an unusual event in any case whatsoever). They took one look at Dundro’s sodden tunic, mud-caked feet, and decided that this was a mere characteristic of the Baggins family, leaving to resume their chores. Dundro’s closest friends, Chacko Took and Menez Brandybuck. They all began exclaiming simultaneously multiple variations of: “Where the ’ell were you?”. Dundro patted them on their backs. “No worries. I’m here. But you guys won’t believe what I went through!”
And thus they all walked back to Bag End, Dundro gleefully regaling his friends with his experience.