Her skin glows with an enchanting color of a gem's emerald green dazzle and she moves effortless around the room. Her long soft curls highlighted with deep sage wisps beautiful around her perfect face as her beauty is unforgetable. She isn't the hostess of this party yet she demands attention from every little thing happening around her.
For those who are more brazen and who crave her confidence will be searching for intriging ways to grab her smart focus. Some willing to spend all of their treasures on her, for her, to be just like her. Even trying to give her gifts of themselves, an expensive family heirloom, a watch off a wrist, an earring out of their ear and the brillant bands and blings of diamonds off their necks and fingers--only for her to pocket the items in her hunter green glittered gown, that will never be enough to warrent her time to be spent with you.
Though it seems clear to me, happy in my own skin, proud of what I have become and how well I have weathered life's storms, she can't seem to stay away. Her fungus green finger nails scratch at me to listen to her bland story of being better to be the best. Her alage tinted tongue interupt my converstation making her look needy in front of my guests. Her moldy green breath on the back of my neck makes me excuse myself from her exhausting attempts to win me over. I leave Envia in the corner of the dance floor alone and beaten.
It's just a matter of time before her slim green slippers are lost and her eel-driven carriage drags her back into her unfortunate place of never being satisifed and longing for the courage to be her own true self.
For my next time get together, I hope her invation gets lost in the mail.