What’s in Your Heart
If you have no belief in anything it can be seriously depressing. I have been there, I know. It all becomes pointless. I have changed how I feel about that now. I had gone down a dark path. I felt I had nothing else to live for. But then there was hope. Hope came to me like a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel. Hope restored my faith. I truly believe in GOD. I do not knock anyone who says that everything came from the big bang- I agree that when God created the world that there actually WAS a BIG BANG. I believe that God loves you and if you try to live your life the best you can...treating others as you would want to be treated, etc. then you will be rewarded with eternal life in Heaven. I know that not everyone believes in the same God- or calls God the same thing. What I think is that no matter who you pray to- and no matter what you believe in life, as long as you have good in your heart and you try to be a good person that God will see that. God will reward with the Glory of Heaven. And even when you are at your lowest point in life and have maybe even given up on God. He is there and he knows your pain- and he is waiting on you to turn to him. He will guide you back to the light. As far as fearing death, I fear it because I don't know if it will hurt.. however, thinking of my body in a box causes me anxiety- although it may irrational to think about being clostrophobic in a coffin.
Other than that I do not fear death. Death will be a birth of the eternal life.