Little Nightmares Franchise
In a world where there are no adults and the ones that do exist either eat children for breakfeast or will risk their lives just to get rid of them, we follow our main characters Six, Mono and seven through 3 different storylines in 3 different games. Whos entire goal is to escape the Maw, which is the place where not not only children go to die but also where most if not all of the gameplay takes place. Every aspect of this game is so well thought out and makes for an exciting playthrough, thats not even mentioning the beautiful writing and story telling. The amount of twist and turns in this games storyline as well as the shocking endings and gut wrenching moments will have you hooked to the very end. Who knows maybe you'll want to make your own little nightmares character after playing the game and if you want to fall even deeper into the lore there is a comic series. Good luck and Happy playing.