Insects On my Wall
How come when i come home there's insects on my wall, insects on my wall
I shutter when they crawl, all them insects on my wall
It looks pretty black and it gots a lotta legs
I dont wanna touch it and i hope it didn't lay eggs
Man i really wanna sleep, but i know that they creep
Then the insects gonna go from my wall to my sheets
How the fuck imma sleep, I gotta kill these bugs
But when i go to hit the bug imma miss, it'll leap
I could buy spray but man i'm kinda cheap
And I got a shoe, but can't these insects get a clue
I don't wanna kill it, and doesn't wanna die
I'll leave the room and hopefully they hide
I come back some time later, and they're all gone
But they could be anywhere, now I'm paranoid
Are they in my sheet or my pillow, did they creep in the middle
I'm looking at my bed and they're not suddenly dead
I don't need a nap, I need a wick and a match
Set this bitch ablaze i can sleep another day.