Is There Or Isn’t There
... a god. The Father? The I Am?
If we only go by the Bible, a book, written and rewritten down through history, and once so ordered to be written according to the likes King James demanded,the teachings on those pages tells us there is a god. A benevolent god. A righteous god. A loving god. A god who created mankind in his image.
And that is where I begin to question things. In his image. Is god physically all colors? All races? With prejudice? Hatred? Love? One to forgive? One that lives with denial? Anger? Fear?
These are but a few of the many traits humans have today. As such, if we are made in god's image, then so to are we part of his emotional precognitive way of thinking.
God created the big flood, killing thousands of people. He destroyed two cities because of sin, a sin I will add that was created because all those who lived there were created in his image, so in a broad sense, God ... was a sinful person.
And yet, we are taught to love and honor God as we should our parents. We are taught that God loves us all. Still, we have to this day, diseases that kills millions every year (Cancer, Leukemia, heart attacks and now Covid. Before it was swine flu, AIDS, the Pandemic of 1918 and so forth).
So we pray, to a person, entity, thing ... to someone or some thing no human eyes have ever see and place our trust in. There are times whenh prayers seem to be answered, but far more often, said prayers never reach past what words crossing over trembling lips.
Something such as this can open a can of worms that can become a large snake waiting to suck us in, devour us in one gulp; for the mystery surrounding God, is perhaps the last great mystery to be discovered on this earth.
Go ye by faith alone ... truth is ... faith cannot feed the belly, maintain a home, have a steady job or income. That's work, not faith. That's fact, not belief.
Yet, I am like many people that do believe there has to be some form of higher power for earth and people didn't come out of a crackerjack box.
I just feel that when God created this masterpiece in the beginning, he didn't forsee the problems that would come. Problems to this day, he still has no answer for.
Which briefly leads me to ... are there other gods.
To which, based on what I have here, I would say yes. Not the idol images say of Egypt (which in truth would be most confusing as they actually had over 1,500 different gods), but of the faith of followers base upon their own scripture they go by. I won't profess to say I know anything about these dieties, but what one believes, another may not. Herein are but a few.
Agnostics believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Atheists are disbelieves, or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. Yet they have their own beliefs on the existence of humankind.
There are three main systems of belief in China: Daoism (sometimes written Taoism), Buddhism and Confucianism. Chinese people did not adhere strictly to one religion.
Shinto ("the way of the gods") is the indigenous faith of the Japanese people and as old as Japan itself. It remains Japan's major religion alongside Buddhism.
Most Hindus are principally devoted to the god Vishnu, the god Shiva, or the Goddess. These practices are sometimes described respectively as, Vaishnavism (Vishnu), Shaivism (Shiva), and Shaktism (Shakti being another term for the female creative energy).
Muslims see Allah as the common Arabic word for God. In the English language, the word generally refers to God in Islam. The word is thought to be derived by contraction from al-ilāh, which means "the god", and is linguistically related to El (Elohim) and Elah, the Hebrew and Aramaic words for God.
The word Allah has been used by Arabic people of different religions since pre-Islamic times. More specifically, it has been used as a term for God by Muslims (both Arab and non-Arab), and Arab Christians. It is also often, albeit not exclusively, used in this way by Bábists, Baháʼís, Mandaeans, Indonesian and Maltese Christians, and Sephardi Jews. Similar usage by Christians and Sikhs in West Malaysia has recently led to political and legal controversies. Of this, I won't get wraqpped up in the politics of religion other than to say religion per se and politics have been sleeping in the same bed for thousands of years.
Looking at this from a different perspective, South Africa's religion is mostly Christianity. Whereas in Poland, they have no official religion, although a majority of the people are Roman-Catholic.
But all this is to drive home that there are other gods, so to say that there is but one true god is a misnomer. That would be like saying there is but one true race, and we should agree that that isn't true.
The years for me seemed to move slowly until I reached 66, and it seems in the blink of an eye I became 73. Because of this, I will tell you a secret ... something I just started recently as a month ago. Each night before I close my eyes and sleep, I whisper, "Is this the night where I don't wake up, God."
So, for all the words I put here, I still cling to a belief that someone hears me.