i haven't hit rock bottom yet;
don't think i ever will.
because it's impossible to hit something
that isn't corporeal.
my heart is a vast pit
a drain down an endless pipe
i keep swallowing my feelings,
trying to fill myself up
but the pipe keeps going and going,
never clogging,
no matter how thick
my emotions are.
i haven't hit rock bottom yet
so in conclusion,
i cannot crawl.
i cannot hoist myself back up,
all i can do is fall.
my heart is a bottomless pit
dull as the grey sands of time.
an hourglass with no bottom
just descending
into the grime.
once i tried to crawl down the pipe;
i didn't get very far.
i got stuck a few steps in,
and was unable to return.
i keep starving,
losing weight
hoping that on one of these dates
i'll be able to advance
and find out what's at the end
of this bottomless expanse.
bot for now
my heart is empty
and that's a good thing, too.
because if i did have any feelings here,
they wouldn't be able to get through.
cause my body's here blocking the way,
never making a path,
i'd drown in every emotion.
my corpse would rot
and i'd finally be skinny enough
to find the end of this hellish slot
and my bones would float
down the pipe
like a raft.
i'd find out what's been eating my feelings
greedily licking them away
swallowing them endlessly,
always hungry.
but maybe all along
the one swallowing them is me
pushing them down because really i know
when they come up,
i won't like what i see.
my heart is a bottomless pit,
it takes more than love to fill me up.
and the only thing that seems to work
is piles upon piles of self loathing.
it doesn't taste very good when i swallow
but some days it clogs up the pipes.
and then, amidst
the taste of shit
i can taste the smallest hint of lemon.
lemon, like the tree in my old backyard
from childhood past where i cared not
about who i was.
i can taste the chocolate from the cake
my mother baked for me.
i can taste a million beautiful things,
for just a moment
before the shit stops
clogging the pipes
and emptiness returns.
as it always does.
so i keep
choking on self-hate
hoping that i'll get a taste
of memories long past.
but lately,
even that's stopped too,
even my hate has grown numb.
what will i do
when this bottomless pit
has eaten up every ounce of caring i have,
fat off of my feelings,
and i'm left here,
starving myself
to feed it
hoping that one day,
i'll get scraps in return?
how can i fight
an endless entity
when i'm just a skinny sack of bones
without enough to eat?
maybe if i
vomit it back up
i'll be able to taste the feelings
before they're down the pipe again.