Whatever you do, for the love of god, Don't write a haiku here!!!!!
everytime you post a haiku in this challenge, a fairy dies. make sure that you don't try and investigate how to write a hiku. if you hold anything sacred, DO NOT write 5-7-5 syllables in a three line poem, and pretty please avoid having the title is free, for background detail, oh god, the horror, what have we done!!
Right up my street.
This one is right up my street.
Counting is for mathmaticians accountants and the like.
Me I am a wordy bird who likes to write free, unencumbered by form like the wind to the sea.
Tanka and Haiku, just the thought brings on a cold sweat. “Count the syllables.” Those three words are enough I regret.
So, this challenge is hunky dory,
I can scribble on the page without a second thought for logic or a Triad of syllable and phrase.