Every note ever sung lives in my head
But not a single lyric of my own
Did you think there was a way out
the way you came in?
Did you think this was just an adventure
like any other, not a life to lived,
Oh, why don't you ding-a-ling like it matters?
Sing like you know how to speak?
My tongue's tied to my shoelaces
And fingers're encased in gum
Oh, why do you dance like I'm going to write it down?
Hit the wall like there's a way out?
Talking on the phone, but no one dialed
Buying the bottled water for the mangled top
Speaking the other language because at least it's not the one your parents did--
Shaking hands with your shadow puppets
Did you really think they loved you?
Or were you just pretending because you pretend if you pretend it'll feel real
And it never does because you're just not a good liar
You always cry too soon.
I'm handcuffed to ceiling fan
Going nowhere at nauseating speeds
And her feet are on the window sill
Going nowhere much more comfortably
Why can't you sing me a song you learned like you learned it for me?
Hum a melody like it's one of mine?
Crawl back under the covers-- even the summer feels cold at night
And it's an excuse to hide from it all
At least we can still hide from it all
Even if there's no way out