Zombie Kills of the Century
When it comes to zombie killing Reaper has a lot of experience. Reaper use to be in the killing Nazi Zombie business and let Reaper assure you, business was a booming, even by the time it was just The Last of Us. Now there just Days Gone. More than once Reaper paid a visit to Dead Island even when it was in a State of Decay. Reaper saw the Dead Rising which forced Reaper to deal with some Residents who were most certainly Evil. (At least 5 of them) Reaper bore witness to the Dying Light, and even once refereed a match of Plants vs, Zombies. But none of those experiences seem comparable when Reaper considers that he was Left 4 Dead. (Twice actually)
Over the top intros aside Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 are simply the pinnacle of what a zombie game should be. It's amazing how great these games are with such simple controls, story, and concepts. These games managed to standout in a time oversaturated with zombie apocalypse motif and Reaper feels confident in saying they withstood the test of time. To this day if Reaper is playing a shooter with his buddies, it's not uncommon for random outbursts of. “Pills here!” “Med pack here!” “Got a shot here!” Or “Gonna grab this ninja sword. If anyone sees some nunchucks ya’ll give me a holler!” Years ago, there were rumors of a sequel in the works that ended up being false but, to be honest Reapers always on the lookout for a gnarled hand holding up three fingers signaling Left 4 Dead 3 is on the way!