Cats and Dogs
People always say how cats and dogs are as far apart as they come
Dogs come and snuggle beside you after a bad day
When you say "Here boy!" or "Here Girl" Dogs will come
And they'll scratch at the door, wanting to go out and play.
At night, dogs will crawl under the covers with you
and comfort you after you've had a bad dream.
Cats are a big prouder and like sitting in the sun
If you try and call them, they straight up ignore you
A lot of people say that if the cat lets you in the room with it
that means that they like you
And of course, they never have to ask to go out,
their box is right there
And sure, that's all true.
Dogs and cats are very different
and a lot of times they do act like that.
But then you get the ones that don't conform
To the normal cat and dog standards
Sweet cats that come over when you go "pspsps"
Grumpy dogs that sit in the corner, growling when you get too close
Cats that enjoy it when you put a leash on them
or when they can ride in the car.
Cats and Dogs may be very different
But they can act the same.
And at the end of the day, one thing is true:
Your cat or dog certainly loves you.