Don’t Verity
Uh, don't think? Why? You think I can do that. I always prepare my work. I even rehearse it in my head a thousand times as I'm writing the word that comes right before it. You think that my fingers are as fast as my head? My mind? I just realized that I didnt add question marks at the end of my questions. Maybe I will leave it, because this would make no sense if I went back and edited. Hmm okay don't think Verity. Meh he he. Do Not think. Why? That wasn't apart of the rules. It said to write. To write. You are writing aren't you? Yes Prosers, listen to my conversation with myself. I am just ranting on. Maybe I will win. That would be fun. I expect that I did this all wrong. I should not have written about writing becuase you don't do that and if you do, you role with it, and you don't call yourself out. Yeah. I didn't set a timer. It's been three minute, right? I think this was supposed to be a story. Hey, story of three minutes of my life.