Random things you like to say!
Random things you like to say. Any format. Over the next few days, gather some lines, phrases, or funny things that have popped into your mind that you think is funny or just interesting. I'll go first! (as an example)
thoughts of aug 25
in-fighting-- so many movements are slowed down because we create guidelines for who can talk, who can support, etc. you can't just be an advocate, you have to devote your life to the cause to have credibility.
there is no such thing as a true version of history, everyone will have a different perspective to contribute to the story. there will always be details left out.
Helen of Troy was blamed for causing a war because she was kidnapped?? make it make sense
the irony of gratitude: it's hard to feel grateful when you feel like those things are just going to be taken away... but that is exactly why we should feel grateful
we judge a dog's smartness on how loyal they are to us