Red Crazed
It is not so bad if you know how to cook the meat just right. Plus he didn't really scream for too long this time. He was rough but I was rougher. His whole body was throbbing when I drew my knife up his chest. But there was just one thing I couldn't hold back. All that red made me want to scream. I lashed out and that's when he lost it. I mean, he did agree to it and he didn't mind when I started at his thighs. I felt like he betrayed me and the screaming was to high pitch for my taste. To the jugular I went and well that shut him up right quick. I giggled when I saw all that red. It was so fresh and red, I screamed. I kept going with my knife, slicing up and down. It was a bit salty but the color was just right. I giggled when he started to jerk about. The beautiful red was now all over me. I licked my lips and dove right in. Now I am on the floor, drowning in all this red. To bad I wont have time to clean up. the next one will be here any minute.