there is (truthfully) not much left here for me
i love you (for sure) in what way (i’m not sure)
i love you for longer than the stars (that are all long dead anyway)
and i love you faster than the stream (who will surely grow sluggish with time)
i love you more than all the steps between us (i know you will never take them and find out if i’m telling the truth after all)
all i know is i remember the last time i saw you (was it yesterday?)
if tomorrow never comes (then did yesterday never exist?)
and if yesterday never happened then where do memories come from? (there must be just one yesterday, tucked deep in the folds between our birth and today)
i say our birth (for the birth of the universe was the birth of us all)
and the tangling sinew that pulls us together (it’s running like a ribbon, like a spine down the middle) and thoughts come (in brackets)
sort of like the words (i never thought to say aloud)