Express the most overwhelming/chaotic thing you've ever experienced. It could be a brief moment, a length of time, a feeling, a thought, physical or mental sensations... anything that comes to mind. Get creative, use imagery, and think outside the box!
a brief tip toward a pinnacle, or the epitome of a downfall
When fellow citizens and I creep quickly down wet interstate paths in dark, pouring rain, … most are heedful of the dangers. I cling to the steering wheel trying to peer through wet pools to make out faded white lines indicative of our separate ruts. My headlights seem too faint, illuminating next to nothing. We are mostly of one mind.
This is that irresistible time. This overpowering thing is chaotic, like nothing we’ve experienced. If not overwhelmed, we soon will be. It’s fine to change lanes, if need be. Sometimes you have to switch, for the greater good, for the furtherment of all.