There is a bridge of gold shimmering across the sea
Which no man may walk upon, for men are faithless
And to them all truth is illusion, all beauty a suffering.
But what a grace it is to watch the waters dance,
To watch the white doves dive and sail,
To see the dusk bloom red like a lover's kiss upon the earth,
And to behold in a tender hour
How the golden bridge burns like a million lanterns,
Like a thousand perishing souls upon a hundred homebound ships
Voyaging, sinking unto the eternal West,
Where only Christ might lay his bare feet upon Her
On the day of Judgement when the Beast will rise
And by the tongues of false prophets
Will etch his mark on the breasts of nations.
But the righteous will be received upon that bridge,
Hand in hand with that same light and that same truth,
Rejoicing in warmth and love
Over the bridge of gold.