False Pretenses.
"What now?"
"You didn't expect to come here and stay. You came to help your mother with long-term care and extended recovery."
"I know, but I still don't have an answer. I don't have any options after all this time. I suck as a human being! Why is it still like this for me? Why am I not able to figure this out?"
"Look, back in June, you boarded a train to be with your mother for a limited period of time. God led you here under false pretenses."
"Why did you say that?"
"Say what?"
"'God led me here under false pretenses.' I can't bear those words. That is so painful and I don't need that added pain right now. Those words make it seem as if God is mean and cruel and doesn't care about anyone or anything. That makes me hate myself even more!"
"Well...? False pretenses means deceit, trickery. I'm in so much emotional pain from this entire year of struggle. To hear that God is cruel and tricks people is cruelty I cannot bear! Why would you say that?"
"Listen, you got on a train thinking you'd be doing one thing, only to find your mother would die. You have to play the cards your dealt."
"Why did you say God led me here under false pretenses? That is harsh and I can't get past those words. I'm hearing you say God acts in sinister ways. Your attitude of belief is bull----!"
"Well, like I said, you have to play the ca...."
"If one thinks God leads people under false pretenses, then love cannot be found!"