Ahead of Me
I'm afraid to write.
I know what you're probably thinking: what do you mean? Aren't you writing right now?
Yes, I am. But I'm scared right now. It's pretty silly to be scared of writing, especially if you want to be an author. But I am. I'm scared of writing because I feel as if no one will ever read any of my books once I manage to finish one (God willing), and that I won't be able to make any money. I'm also just scared to write personally, because I'm scared to get writer's block, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get past this stage of fragmented, unfinished book writing. I get so excited about an idea, and then I manage to procrastinate and never finish. I guess that makes me kind of scared of hoping, lest I get super disappointed or let down. But maybe one day I'll be the author of many bestselling books, and by that time, I'll be confident and satisfied with the way that I write. Until then, I'll just keep trying to hope, and I'll just keep praying.