Witches brew,
a cold, dark misty night,
screams haunts the neighborhoods,
black cats rule the fears of man,
and potions drunk changes a life.
Evil controls what you think you believe,
but that belief is taken to a darker side,
and the soul becomes blackened,
Turkey’s lives given up
to appease the masses
as families join together,
Celebrating a joyous moment,
never giving thought
a turkey did have a soul;
to feed the masses,
which, upon the next day,
forgetting the reason for celebration.
The night sky, bespeckled,
children awaiting a jovial man in red,
parents exhausted, happy this moment,
this last second of hope for joy,
will end.
No more jostling in the crowds,
deciding last minute gifts,
the overall preparation of decorations,
a tree glistening when lights turned low,
awaiting for that sound—that invisible movement,
as a man in red is never seen, yet,
items are left behind,
only to be discarded months later.
Witches cackle their own “ho-ho-ho” as their brew has taken hold of humanity.