Happy Halloday
When the ghost comes out to play
On this dark but festive day
They do not say BOO!!!...
The children's laughter renders in the air
You will think that they just won a great prize from a fair
Without any cares or fears of the danger lurking near
When these great beast that has no teeth
Come gnashing their beaks
Looking to pay back vengeance for their deceased
Will the children do?
They will be easy to chew
Their flesh will tear like rotten cloth
And their organs and bones will make a delicious broth
Then the great beast ancestors will scream no more
Because vengeance was as sweet as them when they were stuffed, baked , sliced, and honey glazed then slipped through the oven door
And when their spirits ascends into the sky
They will meet old jolly HoHo passing by
Through the chimney and out the fireplace
There will be no milk and cookies for old jolly to taste
When old jolly is hungry
A blood thirsty Krampus is set free
So forget naughty or nice
Anyone will suffice
So Happy Halloday!
Keep your children safe if can
Because these great beast have a plan....