Prove it.
Prove it.
But her husband was a cop, and her boyfriend was valedictorian, and her brothers friend was the star quarterback, and those men were famous.
and she danced for money, and she liked liquor, and she was free, until she was trapped.
Prove it.
But the blood spilling from her lips was wiped away, and the purple ring around her eye was concealed, and the broken ribs were from… a fall.
and she liked it rough, and she sent him pictures, and she never said no, because she was frozen by fear.
Prove it.
But her test came back positive and DNA would prove it. But her friends had all abandon her, her sisters all neglected her, her colleagues had all forgotten her.
and she had to prove her pain, and she had to watch her back, and she had to rebuild her body, her mind, her spirit, and she was forced to stand alone.
Prove it. They said. Prove it. She did. Prove it. I will. Prove it. I can’t. Prove it. I did, but why is he still free?