Writing is my sanity.
It's what keeps the little voices in my head quiet. And they do need quieting. Dealing with you unstable motherfuckers is exhausting. Like how I flipped that around? I hear the voices but you're the ones that are crazy. But it's true. Or did you think performing the same action that causes you pain over and over is a sign of rational behavior? I didn't think so either. Life is not that difficult. See problem. Make change. All you have to do is make a decision. You are your own source of misery and I can't tell you how tired I am of trying to save you from yourselves. And the worst part is that it's usually all trivial bullshit. But you keep coming to me for help. And I do help. Because I will not judge you based on the behavior of the others. You are you. You get a clean slate. Until you start showing the same pattern of mentally self destructive behavior. You like your drama. You will argue otherwise but if that were truly the case, then you'd make an effort to break free of it rather than immerse yourself in it further. Before you call me hypocrite, don't you worry, I reflect on those moments, realize the type of person so many of you are and quietly step away. Until the next person comes along. A few eyes have been opened. They make it worth it. But the rest of you? I give you just enough rope to hang yourself. Your social Rorschach as it were. Here for you until you prove to me that you're not interested in helping yourself.
So that's why I write. I get my thoughts on paper. Empty my mind. It helps me clear out all the negativity and get back to the happy, content person I am. I have a wonderful family. A select handful of wonderful friends. I don't need to muck up my life because you're too stupid to help yourself. Odin knows if I kept all your nonsense inside my skull, it would have exploded a long time ago.