Courtship (150 words or less)
Anything goes; poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction, dirty or innocent. If you've never been on a prospective mate-getting venture don't fret, just imagine! ... Or start writing about a sailing magistrate instead...
Life and Death
We all know that there is a barrier between life and death but is there a place where life and death meet can a person go into the afterlife can the afterlife come to the real world. What if we could see the dead do the dead really watch us. There are so many questions that cannot be answered will they ever be. We will never know but what I do know is that death doesn’t want to hurt or kill us she just wants to make a place where we can be happy and enjoy ourselves. So next time someone you know dies just know death didn’t do it to hurt you and that’s why it rains when someone dies she is saying sorry for taking your loved one or friend.