Solitary Confinement
In the day and age of the pandemic, describe where you felt the most out of sorts with yourself. Whether it be because of the lack of human, family or friends interaction, or just in general.
anything except loneliness
solitary confinement
should have made me feel blue
because my friends were all far away
and the world was out of view.
i felt a lot of things i'd been trying to ignore
and i felt like the world was a ceaseless bore.
anything and everything, i felt it like a wave to shore
but not lonliness, no, i wasn't lonely anymore.
in a world of isolation i should have felt rough
because everyone around me was collapsing with a huff.
but in the world of masks i was at home.
i no longer had to fake a smile to feel less alone.
at last, everyone felt as trapped as i
it took solitary confinement for me to feel alive.