what they call psychotic
Funny how people of the world want so badly to fit in a box. One that steals their sovereign rights, commands you to live the way they want you to live, and conditions you to forget who you are before the third grade. Why do they not notice? How come they do not care? Is the fear of losing life greater than losing the love of life? Who can perceive the truth? Who knows what I'm saying? Do they not have children? Are they all so close-minded because they've been taken over by something from within? Who can say they know what I'm saying? When I talk about these things they claim I'm crazy. But, they repeat the same lines the newscasters do on all the stations. To look, and to see, to perceive not to acheive, to die just to find freedom from oppression the oppressors wish so dearly to force. What will they do when A.i takes over? Oh, you saying that's a movie script that wouldn't dare come to pass? Why then does it feel so real? Have you not seen the new semi-s that drive themselves?
You say they need a delivery driver? You ever seen Sophia? What about those they hide behind lock and key just to say its a new discovery after they desensitize you and input all the thoughts in your head? You ever notice how the Jetsons is no longer a script and the Star wars team that now seems to have UFO's popping up all over the globe in massive sightings by the Navy? Oh, it's gravy. I'd rather be called crazy than to live in a false bubble of hope awaiting the day they're done with you and string you up on the rope. Maybe CoCo Chanells guilotean will be impression enough to make the impact not so rough, after all, ObamaCare appears to be the way they can say I'm crazy and take my rights to choose my own healthcare. And since they're taking babies in New York for a fake virus this appears to be in the works.
a note to self that I walked the wrong way.
I didn't pay attention to keep my kids out of harms way.
Now, their adults and injecting poison into their bodies because I'm psychotic and their not.... Nuff said...