Although he went down in history as a self smitten fool, the legacy of Narcissus lives on in the form of an ethereal blossom. The simplistic beauty it held was unparalleled.
To some people, Narcissus was merely a clown swung around by the grating wire strings within an Olympian puppet master's hands.
But I think Narcissus was simply enlightened.
He glimpsed his reflection through the waters and witnessed the depths of his psyche within the ebbing blue pools. There were layers and depths beneath his face that he could and would not be able to see in anyone else.
Often times, we are fools who pander aimlessly to please those around us. But there's a simple fact that cannot be denied. You are never somebody's top priority because the sense of self preservation never ceases to ensue.
No person should be anybody's axis mundi. Everything comes and goes. Fate is a fickle being and every facet of life is merely a transient blur.
Learning to love and live for yourself is a beautiful thing.