Who are you?
I challenge you to write about who you are. Not your name or your age, but who you are to others. What role do you play, not only in your own life but in the lives of those who surround you?
Who am I?
Sometimes I wonder if I'm a lie. Or if I am a mimic. Would that explain how my personality can change like the shades of water? To some, I am loud and funny. To others I am painfully shy and mute. And yet to others I'm rude with a mighty RBF. I play the role they need me to be. I cannot be my own self, but I sometimes wonder if I even am. I live to serve. I live to be the funny friend, the not-as-pretty friend, the helpful daughter, and the sarcastic sister. Take that away, lock me in a room, and maybe I really am nothing.