I left the house about 4:15 this morning. I passed a Silverado coming towards me on the Johnny Cash Highway pulling a Ranger up to the Shute’s Lane ramp. There were winter weather advisories out, as it was 21 degrees. There was already a couple of inches on the ground, and it was still spitting snow and ice with a brutal, biting wind to boot.
“Figures he’s driving a Chevy and pulling a Ranger,” I thought. “Only an idiot in a Chevy would be going out on the lake today.” (Although giving the devil his due, Dude did have a nice looking rig.)
I made it another mile towards work before turning my F-150 around. Once home, General Sherman hopped in while I got the Legend hooked up. No way some SOB in a Ranger was gonna catch more fish than me today, damn the snow and ice.
And this is the exact reason that man will never be able to create artificial intelligence. It is beyond him. It will take a woman.