I ghosted him...Went through my phone blocked his number, blocked him on WhatsApp, unmatched on Tinder...I feel terrible because we had been speaking for about a week. It was...interesting, then dry...he was exciting at first, we texted for hours the first day. Then he called, his voice was deep, yummy.. like caramel sliding down your throat. I had butterflies. He said he liked reggae, but old school. I laughed because my Taylor Swift, sometimes Usher, sometimes Nickelback and Daughtry listening self could not identify. Then the dry texting started...I was confused, maybe a little traumatized. Snippets of my previous relationship floated through my mind, the disappearing, leaving me hanging mid-text, mid-conversation. Damnit I knew I wasn't ready, I should have given it more time.. But no he's back, texting me, not really calling, or asking to go out for lunch, for coffee. I delete his number on Thursday fed up. He does not notice until Saturday and asks me, "Did you delete my number? I couldn't see your profile picture." I roll my eyes, they say this is a mark of contempt and a sure sign of a dead relationship. I sigh and type, "No, my phone fell into a bucket of water on Wednesday, I lost many contacts." I giggle as I type because even I would recognize the lie. I hold my breath ready for him to call me out. Oblivious he proceeds to ask me, "When will you give me these kids?" "Huh?" I literally ask, confused because yes, one of our conversations had revolved around kids. He wanted two. Confused because he hasn't spoken to me in two days and I am genuinely baffled. Go with it, my conscience whispers. "How does one answer this now?" I text. "Just answer" he quips back. Now I can feel the heat in my stomach, the one that tells me I am getting mad. What is wrong with this man? Hold on am I in the twilight zone? Hmmm what to answer, "Heehehe, this type of conversation needs lunch or coffee first" I write nudging him towards a date, sigh please see it, see me literally begging you to take me out. "Oh yes" he replies..."Or should I come over for a sleepover already?" Hold on, my seething conscience screams. Did this man just say he wants to sleep with you and ignored the obvious date you were asking him to take you on? I take a few minutes because I am Zen now...I take yoga and I do slow breathing. "No, let's just have lunch first"....dead silence. Later I lay in bed and I block him...I feel cowardly, I feel bad...but where to start? Should I have said something? Did I have the right after two weeks of basically talking? The nagging feeling won't go away, that I did something wrong...