A Simple Heart
Simplicity makes for a happy life.
I learn that it is not a matter of materialistic simplicity, but rather that of the heart.
A simple heart is easily satisfied.
We can all be happy; we can learn it. Start with small things in your everyday routine.
By not taking that extra scoop of rice when your stomach is full, even as your tongue craved to taste more of the delicacy spread on the table.
By not clicking that check-out button, when you have no real need for the things you put in your online shopping basket.
By putting on a sincere smile, after batting that ugly jealousy to the side, when you see a friend doing so much better than you.
By sitting down at your table, coffee mug warm between your hands, as you sit and count your blessings because you have many, only you tend to lose sight of them among the hubris of greed, desperation, desire, and ambition.
By standing up after life knocked you down onto your knees, because you know it will happen again, but with lesser intervals as you grow from each failure, shaping you into a better person, a more capable one.
As we learn to find satisfaction in simple things in life, happiness will come knocking.
Happiness is simple.
Being simple is only as hard as you made it out to be.
I am happy.
I hope you are too.