The Present You
You are a fluid, ever-changing person. So tell me about the current you. Who are you right now? Who are you now that you haven't been before? Who won't you ever be again? What are your current goals, challenges and emotions, and how do they differ from the past and future? How have you changed, and how will you change? What about you has remained constant? How do you feel about your current self? How are you molding, expressing, and using your current identity? In any form, tell me who you are in the present moment. Don't hold back.
To recapture the maiden-
reaching, searching
Grasping for that slender figure
of smooth deepened skin
Untampered by experience
or weather worn from the
exhaustion of change
Is she in the distance-
lonesome wave beating
along the cliffside-
or has she disappeared
her footsteps carried along
on quieted martyrdom
She calls, banshee howls
full of frenzied whispers
Muffled voices creeping
through the Dreamscape
A shapely frame
slips quietly between
the shadows, dancing coyly
amongst romantic panels
Sheer curtains hanging
betwixt the light