Inspired by Visual Art
find a work of art (painting, photograph, collage, drawing, sculpture, etc) you've never seen before and write something that is inspired by looking at it. Poetry, prose, short story, stream of consciousness, whatever! Write the title of the art/the artist as your title.
The Voyage of Life
We are low.
but we wish that it were not so.
Then, suddenly, we are bursting through the ground
on a voyage
to jump and reach the sky.
And so we start.
We walk
through hills and valleys
through the calm and the storm
the quiet river before a
sometimes stopping
but refusing to quit.
Finally we get closer
and we look at the trees around us
greeting us with their branches
Smiling simultaneously
our hearts filled
with wonder at this voyage
that we went through
in all its serendipity
We are glad
Oh so glad!
As we are seen off
by the seraphs
And that when we arrive
not only do we jump
to reach the sky,
But we fly
to touch the stars.