Are we doomed?
Fuck 3 years on, this virus is rampant,
All we hear, see, and speak is about COVID- 19,
Why not speak of more interesting things,
What about the way the world is going &
How about climate change and the fact,
That we live on a world where we are never satisfied,
We created a system which benefits,
A corrupt system based on wealth rather than,
lives of humans, who suffer because of peoples greed,
but Instead I am paraylsed by the fact climate change could be what kills me,
Which rears it's ugly head like some digital nightmare, Before you know it,
They have claimed your minds, destroyed any hope of thinking of a more efficient system,
Instead I am plugged into the system, CAPATALISM, fed billions of information, One thing in common consumeeeeeeee,
Have been reprogrammed to respond accordingly to this future, Which won't exist if we don't sort our differences and work together, One world, what you do on the other side of the planet will effect here & We are all going to die eventually, why not come together instead of throwing ourselves towards extinction because we are more concerned of the wealth we have, than the world that actually keeps us alive.... Think for a moment of the course we travel.