Rebuild societies
In the past they built structures of wonder
The pyramids and the Gardens of Babylon,
These days we seem quite incapable
Of build structures that are green and sustainable,
The Venus Project shows the way
How future societies should create,
Housing schemes for all to live
Fitting in with nature rather than being dismissive,
No more big grey concrete estates
No high rise buildings getting in the way,
Of viewing a beautiful and blissful skyline
Communities that combine,
Green energy and permaculture
Where we educate people for the future,
To work together in harmony
But many see this as a rose tinted dream,
But it can happen, it’s our choice
Make governments hear our voice,
Rebuild towns and cities to be a place where I believe
People will cherish and work together,
We need a dream like this more than ever
Where equality is the focus everyday,
Where people share in a far less selfish way.