Meeting My Wife
How could I ever forget meeting my wife, and the time that followed in which we fell in love?
We were from different sides of the country, but both venturing to new lives on the west coast. Me, relocating for a work opportunity in a place I'd always dreamed of. Her, returning to her home town but wanting a fresh start.
We met online, way before it was the modern or cool thing to do. I was looking for friends in a new town so I wouldn't get home sick and give up on my dream. She was looking to expand her circle of friends beyond her childhood circle. We connected two months before I moved west but we shared such in depth emails back and forth; by the time I was moving it felt like I was moving to be with her. She remembers telling her sister, with only a photo of me in hand, that this was the man she would marry. It seemed meant to be and, as it turned out, the higher-powers agreed.
My cat and I rolled into town in our loaded moving van late that evening, but she still came to meet us at the motel I was shacking up in. I waited out front for her and knew I was about to meet my person when I saw her driving up the wrong way on a one-way street. She parked, jumped out of her Jetta...and blew me away! How could one person encompass every single thing I ever thought I wanted, and still surprise me with things I didn't know I needed?
We became inseparable. She helped me move into my new place, I helped her move into her new place, and her family welcomed me like an old friend.
The real magic though came in the following weeks and months. It seemed every action we took came with the support of the higher powers. Plan a hike...get the most perfect day. Plan a wildlife viewing...get unprecedented interactions with nature. Plan a dinner...get the very best experience. Truly it felt like we were being held by the hand as we walked towards love; not that that took very long.
I love talking about my marriage and how we met. I'm so proud of it and find so much happiness in thinking about the past, present, and future of our time together. No road is perfectly smooth of course, but when your memories can still make you smile and swoon you know you're onto something special.