Lost light…
Waking up, alone on the dock
to our lake house
to the cold and light
of day
not remembering
the time sleep took me
or the hours tears
but remembering the
lateness in the hour
people left and I could
Let go
let go of the tears I held
when you passed
after I changed
the IV and
going to the living
room to get you
a blanket, a twenty
second walk at best
and it was just as if
you had taken a nap
no horrible end
I feared
and as I put the
blanket on you
your head
fell to the side
and I knew you were
gone, and when I called
your name and you didn’t
the light of the noon hour
had shined it’s brightest
just as if it were
only for you
and as I called the dr
no tears came
and when the coroner
came to take you
it was such a beautiful
day that I felt it right
that you should leave
in such beauty
as if the world used it
all up to see you off
and rightfully so
but it was no match for you
no match for the beautiful
person you are
and it was the memory
of that day that I held
On to, that got me through
the days after, when decisions
that we had not prepped for
cropped up
and left me with tasks to
do, to take these final steps
of your life and see you off
in a way you wanted
to be remembered
and after the arrangements,
after the wake and service
and after the dirt hit the coffin,
i made my way
To the place you loved
and I let go, let it all out
so much so I cried
through the night
and passed out
waking the next day
still in my suit
and with dried tears
on my face
i made my way to
your chair, and reached
out my hand
and like a fool
I half expected it there
and I sat there the
rest of the day
wanting to feel you
there in your favorite spot
to feel the love that
we knew that held us
in the waning hours
of your life