He drew the short straw for sure, unless thinking about him and God as enemies is an over simplification. There are so many diferent ways that we can explain the relationship between the two of them that it is possible to make plenty of fictional stories to have a career spanning 40 years writing them out.
For one thing, think about the importance of opposites in our world. The opposite of always is never; the opposite of up is down. Fast is the opposite of slow while rich is the opposite of poor. It also used to be that masculine was the opposite of feminine, in some cultures, but it appears that this might be changing. The concept of opposites is very important in religous teachings and myth. In the christian faiths, God is made out to be the most perfect, good, all-knowing, and all-powerful person in the world, while Satan is the opposite, except he is not an exact opposite. Opposites like 100 and -100, when added together, are cancelled out. You get zero. However, this is not the case with Satan and God in the typical christian view. Satan is the opposite in evilness and vileness, but God is the strongest. It is not the case of a two gods of equal and opposite powers, but of one all powerful god and his underling. Satan is used by God for his own benefit.
However, you can still look at the relationship between God and Satan in many different ways, due to how twisted around nearly every christian's faith is from each other. Of particular interest is that of the Mormon's church's ideas behind Satan.
In the Mormon church, agency, or the ability to choose one's own fate, is held very dear. However, two major figures in biblical history(fiction?) appear to not get this ability to choose for themselves. Satan and Judas. According to the Mormon faith, there a life before we all came to earth, the pre-mortal life, here everyone, including Satan, were spirit children of God. We appeared as God in spirit, I am thinking something like ghostly apparitions, but we did not have bodies. The entire reason we are here on earth is to get a body, learn and grow. This was God's plan, but Satan, one of the more significant spirit children, had another plan. There was a war in heaven concerning these to different plans and Satan was cast out. Then God preceded to create the whole world and then we had Adam and Eve and so on. Because of Satan's diference of opinion, he did not care for agency, he was only ever a tool in God's plan from then on.
Here we have a problem. What would have happened if Satan just went along with God's plan? God's plan required different choices and in the current context, this required evil or Satan to already exist. However, God's original plan would not have worked unless he had someone else, preferably weaker, to act as the bad guy. Someone to offer the sinful choices and put temptations everywhere. What would have happened if Satan sided with God's plan? As it is now formated, some other unlucky person would have had to take the fall in order for everything to work. Maybe I was next in line for the job position. Maybe it was you.