the warehouse
Abandoned padlock decomposing, decades old
layered rust; this lone barrier remains.
Creaking and groaning, resisting every
turn and thrust; it must have forgotten my key.
With one last scream it gives in at last, yields
to reveal a decaying hoard hidden in shadow;
an entire lifetime buried, cardboard shrouds,
mildewy damp and crumbling under passing time’s weight,
a catacomb of cinder block.
Overhead a lone bulb buzzes, hanging seductively
from a delicate noose, dangling
a ratty pull-string to tease and to taunt, promising
more as it remains the lone barrier between see-er and seen;
threatening to shatter darkness and shadows.
Temptation builds, the urge burns and sears;
curiosity unbearable, resistance now impossible:
with just one tug, there’s no going back.