Blissfully Ignorant
I thought about this question for quite a while before deciding to enter the challenge. What I realized is that I'm in no place to make a call on this!
You see I'm a tall, white, straight, male who's grown up in a democratic country with no fears ever of war. I'm privileged enough to only see the stupidity of the world through whichever media outlet I choose, or who I choose to interact with. I can turn off the TV, vote freely to change a government, walk away from idiots, and stand my ground in support of things I want to change.
I can't even begin to pretend to understand how others less "fortunate" than me would view the world's safety. I expect that if I were fleeing danger and held up in a refugee camp I'd care very little about the stupidity of politicians, and focus solely on the danger.
So I'd say that if you live a similarly privileged life you'd likely say that the world's more stupid than dangerous, and boy oh boy aren't we lucky to able to think that.
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